Agatha Babino's Story: A Narrative of the Formerly Enslaved
In the late 1930s, Federal Writers' Project (FWP) employees of the Works Progress Administration approached and interviewed Agatha Babino in Texas. Agatha Babino was about eighty-five years old and living in a home near the local church.
The workers of the FWP interviewed over 308 other formerly enslaved people in Texas.
Mary Agatha was born in January 1852 to parents Clarisse Prince and Dick Richard in Louisiana.
Upon her birth, Augustin Guidry assumed her as his property and retained that ownership for her first twelve years.
View Agatha Babino's Narrative
This program is supported by Humanities Texas, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Rice University Humanities Research Center.
Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this exhibition and its programming do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities, Humanities Texas, or the Rice University Humanities Research Center.